About Mandy

Hey there, lovely souls! I'm Mandy, and I'm thrilled to share a piece of my unique journey with you. A few years ago, life had me in a tight spot. My passion had fizzled, my CBD business was wobbling, friendships felt hollow, and my relationship with my boyfriend was out of sync. Family gatherings were a distant dream, thanks to a strained connection with my mom. I was stuck in apathy, going nowhere fast.

Now, let's fast forward to my 30th birthday in January 2020. Determined to gift myself a Mystical Experience, a direct line to Source, I initially planned to travel for Ayahuasca in the summer. However, the global stage had other plans, pushing me to take matters into my own hands—a familiar theme. Armed with scientific knowledge, an understanding of set and setting, and the support of my best friend as a sitter, I embarked on a psychedelic journey. Four hours later, nothing happened. Months of experimenting with mushrooms and LSD and having little or no experience left me feeling hopeless. Will I ever be able to talk to the Creator?

Finally, in September 2021, I gifted myself the long-awaited Ayahuasca retreat in Cancun, Mexico, complete with the intriguing addition of Bufo (Toad Medicine). The week tore me apart, from blissful encounters with the divine to facing deep-seated shame and guilt. The retreat delivered messages about my relationships, leaving me with more questions than answers.

For the next four months, I grappled with this newfound wisdom until, in February 2022, I crossed paths with a life coach. In just a month, I began integrating lessons from Ayahuasca and Bufo. First, forgiveness for my mom, then the courage to end a five-year relationship. It took another year before I started working on the sexual shame and guilt, but through Kundalini and Tantra, I've gotten to some of the core limiting beliefs that created those wounds. My experience shows that you can't solve everything in one journey or with one method. Life's a bit more of a mix.

Since then, I've discovered that our journey is a return to the essence of our Being. To reach the highest highs, we must navigate the lowest lows. Darkness dissipates when we illuminate it with awareness, acceptance, and love. I find joy in guiding others on their path to self-discovery, starting with feeling safe in the vessel that allows us to experience the present. Our bodies are wonderful machines that take the cosmic codes our own Creatorship programs into them to then experience the fullness of feeling. We came here to feel, not to be happy, but if we remember our True Essence, we will remember we are all beings of love. I'm here to remind you of that principle - You are Loved because You are Love.

What to Expect

Embark on a transformative journey with me! I specialize in guiding curious minds through the enchanting realms of psychedelics, ensuring a safe, exhilarating, and introspective experience. As your integration coach, my mission is to infuse joy, promote safety, and beckon you to explore the depths of your subconscious.

Picture this: Together, we'll unravel the mysteries within by delving into your body, emotions, sensations, and thoughts. It's not just about a trip; it's a passage to self-discovery. Imagine the power of remembering who you truly are by tapping into the wellspring of your innermost being.

Join me in crafting empowerment from within, where the answers often reside. As we journey together, you'll find yourself immersed in a tapestry of self-awareness, guided by a coach who combines expertise with a touch of magic. But here's the catch — the adventure has just begun. There's a cliffhanger waiting, a revelation that can only be shared in the personal connection we'll forge.

Ready to unlock the doors to your own consciousness? Let's embark on this odyssey together. Contact me now, and let the transformative exploration commence!